So it's the Great Coronavirus Lockdown of 2020, and to celebrate my birthday this year, I decided to make cake! I am ashamed to say that though my son can sew, clean, tend animals, garden, build things from wood and is an excellent cook, I have really failed at schooling him in the sugary recipes of my childhood (because... constantly seem to be dieting... sigh the perils of spinsterhood).

Anyway,  then I started thinking about what KIND of cake, and put together this collection of my mom's best recipes (plus two more -- Yorkshire fruit buns, and dandelion shortbread, both of which I haven't tried yet, but I will update this blog when I do). Some are in my grandmother's writing from the recipe book of gems she wrote out for my mom when she got married.

The ones with the asterix are MAGICAL due to icing or super-cool baking effects.

*1. Lemon Pudding. #1 magic recipe of all time (and the only one my son is truly familiar with on this list so far)
*2. Carrot cake with cream cheese icing
*3. Lazy Daisy Cake with toasted coconut icing
*4. Chocolate boyfriend cake with caramel icing
5. And maybe chocolate brownies too.
6. Oh yeah and the dandelion cookies (new as-yet untested recipe). Maybe these can't all happen at once. 
*7. Red Velvet Cake (haven't had in ages. MUST have. That icing! gosh. Give your opinion: is the red food dye necessary?)
*8. Poppy seed torte (ahhhmazing). 
9. Welsh cakes (usually a breakfast food, from Muffins and More, you must try them!!)
10. Some Yorkshire fruity scones, to be had with imported clotted cream.
